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Michelle Baker, MA
Cross-hatch blending technique
There's more than 1 way to paint a sunset! Shannon shares her favorite blending technique: Cross-Hatching. It makes for a more...
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Michelle Baker, MA
prioritize SOUL over STRESS
Here’s the secret: we’ve got it all wrong. What feels important, what we give so much of our time and energy to, it’s NOT the answer. We...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy and Trauma Recovery
Art Therapy is helpful for people of all ages and its benefits go beyond the field of mental health into many other areas of life....
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Michelle Baker, MA
Why Make Art Wednesdays
"Why do you make art?" Hear from the students of MBodied's watercolor class. Common responses to the question are: "because it's...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy Activities You Can Try At Home
A lot of people use art as a means to deal with sadness, stress and trauma. Others use it to explore their inner talent and creative...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Tape Resist Art Ideas
Tape resist art is a fun and unique way to make all sorts of artwork. It is one of my favorite art projects because children of all ages...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy to Overcome Emotional Issues
Traumatic events can happen to anyone at any time. People may experience mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety following a traumatic...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy for Chronic Illness
When a person is diagnosed with illness, our first instinct is to focus on the physical health and alleviate the pain. In addition to the...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Celebrate with MBodied!
A birthday is so special to a child. Looked forward to for months and hopefully remembered long after, its importance cannot be...
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Michelle Baker, MA
4 Ways to Make More Time for Art
What is the number one thing that prevents you from creating art? Time or the lack thereof. After all, nobody has free time. School,...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art for Meditation
Many of you have probably heard about profound the benefits of meditation. But sometimes, people are just too busy they don’t even have...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Interesting Facts About Art Therapy
Art therapy, also referred to as creative arts therapy, uses visual arts to communicate feelings that cannot be expressed by words alone....
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Michelle Baker, MA
Why Adults Are Going Back to Coloring Books
There’s something about a new box of crayons that I can’t help but appreciate, even at the age of 30. I was a big fan of coloring as a...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Using Art Therapy for Victims of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is an ongoing concern in the United States. In fact, one out of five women reported that she has experienced sexual abuse at...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Reasons Why Art is Good for Kids
Children naturally love art. Unfortunately, school curricula in the United States have shifted heavily in the recent years, and are now...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Things to Do With Kid’s Art
Regardless of your kid’s natural artistic talent, it’s likely that you feel that every drawing, painting or collage your child produce is...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy Activities to Help You De-Stress
Have you ever wondered how doing a simple art activity like drawing, painting or listening to music helps you relax after a long and...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art and Healing: How Art Therapy Can Help Divorced Couples Heal
Sometimes, marriages do not succeed. For some people, divorce can be a relief. But for most divorcing couples, it can be a very stressful...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Helping Children Cope with Divorce through Art Therapy
Each year, approximately 1 million children in the United States experience divorce of their parents. Due to the prevalence of divorce in...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art After Divorce
MBodied Art Studio is a special place where art takes on new meaning. Owned and operated by an art therapist, the vision of MBodied is to...
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