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Match Me To My Art Class

fun classes for adults near me
Below are 4 cards. Choose the picture/words most like YOU.
Click the blue "this is me" link to find your matching class.
Have FUN! There are no wrong answers or wrong choices in art!

bold, flexible, expressive

You want your art to be vibrant and bold, just like you.

You appreciate fluidity and the ability to change your mind while being creative.

This is me!

acrylic portrait painting

precision, consistency, control

You are more of a type "A" person.

You are a rational thinker.  

For you,

art is a place to get lost in the details and honing in your "artist" eye.


This is me!

drawing portrait of a woman

flow, organic, zen

You want your art to be your "zen-time."

You enjoy having some structure and a "right way" to do things...but you can also go with the flow!

This is me!

watercolor portrait painting near me

deep, clarity, direction

You want your life to have meaning and purpose!

You are an old soul, a feeler, and an intuitive by nature but maybe you've lost your way and could use a clear direction for what's next in life.

This is me!

abstract portrait painting
MBodied Art Studio
(720) 507-5724
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