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About our Classes!

Classes at MBodied are like a spa for your creativity! You will feel taken care of, pampered and supported.
We are a community art studio because making art with other supportive people is WAY better than making art by yourself. 
You can ask questions, get inspired by what other people are doing and really enjoy the creative juices of a studio full of people making art!
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Shannon teaching watercolor at couches.j
We're your home away from home. Right when you walk in the door you'll notice the space is warm, inviting and cozy.
We pamper you will snacks and hot tea and take a little time to get to know each other every class so that you are growing a community along with your art skills.
Your class is taught by Shannon, an expert in art instruction. She will demonstrate the lesson step by step so that you can SEE the technique and process unfold. 
We offer 3 levels of assignments for each lesson so that you can choose a beginner, intermediate or advanced option for yourself. 
See our Class Schedule
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Our curriculum is ongoing so that you can learn with unique & inspiring lessons instead of the typical (boring!) lessons of a 6 or 8 week class.
We have over 7 months of lessons so that you can grow your art skills over time within the same supportive group of people!
(Imagine what's possible when you stay committed to your art-making over time...)
MBodied is a membership-based art studio because we love community!
Instead of just taking a class you are subscribing to our studio and getting access to:
  • your class AND all our Open Studios for free!
  • our online platform with a library of videos and lessons
  • access to your teacher outside of class
  • discounts on all other classes & workshops
Many of our members have been with us for a year or more!!!
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More about memberships:
  • All materials included
  • No hidden fees
  • cancel anytime
  • email alert 7 days prior to renewal
See our Class Schedule
What if I miss a class?
No problem! We've really made it SO easy for you because Shannon records her lessons.
You will have access to the video lesson and the step-by-step written guide for any class in our online platform 
you can come to any Open Studio for free to work on your assignment. 
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More F.A.Q.'s

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What do I need to be prepared for my first night?
  • Know the address (we're in a brick office building)
  • Dress for art-making
  • Arrive early to get a cup of tea, meet Shannon and settle in
  • No need to bring anything, all materials are provided
  • We will introduce you to the other students and help you feel right at home!
Sounds great! Where to next?
  • MBodied Art Studio is WAY different than other places
  • Special balance between art and art therapy
  • We want to know you and support you in art AND life
  • Feeling safe is really important in our classes
  • Deeper side of art for healing and growth
MBodied Art Studio
(720) 507-5724
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