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3 Surprising Tips
Before You Take An Art Class
If you've been thinking about reconnecting with your creativity...
and maybe taking an art class.
There are 3 things I want to share with you before you EVER sign up!
Here are my
3 Surprising Tips:
#1 Be Willing to be a Learner
We can teach you ALL the techniques and theory for painting & drawing but if you're not willing to:
ask questions
make mistakes
not know something're not going to be successful and might as well not take a class.
#2 You're not going to like everything you make.
No one likes everything they make.
And even if you don't like the end result, you learned something. It was totally worthwhile.
#3 Art is actually more about SEEING than anything else.
Beyond all the techniques and theories, learning to paint or draw is about seeing differently.
Seeing the color of a shadow
Seeing the shapes in an object
Seeing the layers in a picture
You're actually training your brain to think be willing to give it a little time ❤️
More things to check out!
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