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Women making art & meaningful connections!

Life can feel so serious.  We get trapped in work, chronically stressed, always doing, performing and waiting for some special day when we can finally RELAX!


If you'd like to bring flow & ease into your life right now and stop waiting for it to magically happen...if you want to trade your stress for sisterhood...if you want to become the Creator of your own life then you might be the next Tiger Woman!!!




Tiger Women is a magical combination of like-hearted women who want to ensure they feel fulfilled in this one, precious life.  These ladies are creative spirits craving to know themselves deeply, overcome obstacles that keep them stuck in stress and Create a life of flow and ease.  


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If this group is calling your name, we cannot wait to bring you into our tribe!

Your next step is to fill out this short form so we can get to know a little about you.  Then our fearless leader, Michelle, will reach out to you with next steps!

MBodied Art Studio
(720) 507-5724
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