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Michelle Baker, MA
Abstract Art is Freedom!
Did you know most kids stop making art around the age of 11 or 12? At this point in cognitive development, kids begin to want their art...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Haven for Introverts
I’m sitting in a roomful of people who are silent, totally absorbed in what they are doing, soft music playing in the background and a...
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Michelle Baker, MA
The Truth about Creativity (and why you don’t make art as often as you plan to)
I know I’m not alone here when I say that my intentions to make art greatly outweigh my actual art making endeavors. I’m not alone...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Quick tip for mixing paint
#Westminsterpaintingclass #Westminsterpaintingclasses #Westminsterartcommunity #Westminsteropenstudio #Westminsterstressrelief...
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Michelle Baker, MA
3 Myths about painting that keep you from your creativity.
#1 It’s easy for them (and hard for me) The assumption that painting is easy for some and hard for others can keep you from pursuing an...
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Michelle Baker, MA
the ART of ME time
How do I get more “me time”? It’s always on my list and I never seem to get to it! I know I need it but how do I actually make it...
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Michelle Baker, MA
How is painting therapeutic?
Many people who take my acrylic painting class say “it is very therapeutic.” What can be therapeutic about a painting class? First: ...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Do you want to feel inspired?
Be encouraged. Find insight. Explore your creativity. Feel enthusiastic. Find a vision. These are some synonyms for being inspired. ...
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Michelle Baker, MA
The ART of Manifesting
Do you know what the art process is, really? When I want to paint a canvas, for example, what are the steps I got through to complete...
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Michelle Baker, MA
A student's perspective: The magic at MBodied
There’s something magical in Michelle’s studio. Some combination of Michelle’s true passion for her art – her actual paintings and, more...
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Michelle Baker, MA
The Painting Community at MBodied
I love the community that is forming among the painters at MBodied! If you walk in during Introduction to Acrylics or Open Studio you...
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Michelle Baker, MA
What is Manifesting?
Manifesting is creating what you want in life. In the bible you can read, “God said, let there be light, and there was light.” That’s...
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Michelle Baker, MA
A Heart-Centered Business
About a year ago I was dreaming up the idea for MBodied Art Studio with the help of the book, Creating on Purpose: "the spiritual...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy Activities You Can Try At Home
A lot of people use art as a means to deal with sadness, stress and trauma. Others use it to explore their inner talent and creative...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Tape Resist Art Ideas
Tape resist art is a fun and unique way to make all sorts of artwork. It is one of my favorite art projects because children of all ages...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy to Overcome Emotional Issues
Traumatic events can happen to anyone at any time. People may experience mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety following a traumatic...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art Therapy for Chronic Illness
When a person is diagnosed with illness, our first instinct is to focus on the physical health and alleviate the pain. In addition to the...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Celebrate with MBodied!
A birthday is so special to a child. Looked forward to for months and hopefully remembered long after, its importance cannot be...
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Michelle Baker, MA
4 Ways to Make More Time for Art
What is the number one thing that prevents you from creating art? Time or the lack thereof. After all, nobody has free time. School,...
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Michelle Baker, MA
Art for Meditation
Many of you have probably heard about profound the benefits of meditation. But sometimes, people are just too busy they don’t even have...
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