Michelle Baker, MA 3 Myths about painting that keep you from your creativity. #1 It’s easy for them (and hard for me) The assumption that painting is easy for some and hard for others can keep you from pursuing an...
Michelle Baker, MA How is painting therapeutic?Many people who take my acrylic painting class say “it is very therapeutic.” What can be therapeutic about a painting class? First: ...
Michelle Baker, MA The ART of ManifestingDo you know what the art process is, really? When I want to paint a canvas, for example, what are the steps I got through to complete...
Michelle Baker, MA A student's perspective: The magic at MBodiedThere’s something magical in Michelle’s studio. Some combination of Michelle’s true passion for her art – her actual paintings and, more...
Michelle Baker, MA What is Manifesting?Manifesting is creating what you want in life. In the bible you can read, “God said, let there be light, and there was light.” That’s...
Michelle Baker, MA The Best Thing I Did For Myself in 2015As the year comes to a close, I can say with certainty there is one habit I will definitely continue in the new year. The best thing I...